Monday, August 22, 2016

‪‎How‬ to cut loss in Stock Market Trading?

This was posted in FB by Boy Chamba. Unfortunately, I can't find his account already. I am just re-sharing for it might help.

When you buy a stock, then later on, sold it, there's commission charges.
Over-all for a filled transaction of buy-sell, the total charges is 1.09% of your capital +/- gains.
For you to be able to sell at profit, you must earn more than 1.09%.

By the way,
Cut Loss --> is the closest friend of your capital, protector of your capital and the savior of your capital. Wag nyong ituring ang cutloss na kaaway nyo.
Alam mo na mali ang pasok mo, ano ang gagawin mo? --> Cut it! Wala dapat emotion at doubleminded sa pag cut.
Pero pano ba i-set ang cut loss?
Without hesitation, place a stop loss at 2% + 1.09% = 3.09%.
So, roughly 3.5% to 4% dapat ang cut loss percentage level mo... When you see, that you are at 3% paper loss, monitor the price action whether the price will go up or will go down.
If you see it's going down... sell that stock... pikit mata at walang emotion, hit that sell button. pag umakyat after you sell. it's ok, you need to develop your instinct over time in the market... but stick to the plan first.
You have to rate your winning trade if you follow this discipline.
Winning trades:
-nag cut ka less than 4% loss --> win yan
-di ka pa nag-cut more than 4% loss --> lose yan
-syempre pag gain ka then sold it --> win yan
Continue doing this, and you will be amazed how you will perform trading stocks.
Starting now, log all your winning and losing trades. Put the price and write your reason, why did you buy or sell that stock. It's either technical reasons or fundamental reasons or fb posts or friends reco or guru's premium subscription. Whatever the reasons... you have to have one.